Manly Poetry Man

Welcome to my World of "Manly" Poetry in Poetry Art Form. Hope you come to enjoy this Art Form...as much as I have enjoyed writing it.
Manly Poetry Man's "Ever-Present" Poetic-"able" Declaration to you:
Poems: Get a bad rap...usually considered flowery, soft, artsy, etc. Maybe...some of that is true. But...put in the right context...Poems can get a point across with underlying stealth and quiet intelligence. Perhaps... even better than the average writings we see daily. This is Manly Poetry Man's Quest. To Boldly Go Where No Poetry Man Has Gone Before and...Boldy Write Some New Poems...!?! Sometimes Poems need to have their energy harnessed and then put on display.
Being able to write down Rhymes has always been something I just did...like some folks scribble on paper. Poetry is a natural extension of that. As I mentioned in the above...I feel like most people have the notion that Poetry is all flowery, soft, artsy,etc. Hence...Mr. Manly Poetry Man has arrived to show the world that: "Words come at you Everyday; Poems are just a little more organized in what they have to say...and can be done in a Manly Way" !
In humblest regards then...May I present to you... "Manly Poetry".
"Manly" Poetry to the World!"
Writing "Manly" Poetry Ever Since: June 28, 2008
I come over here from a previous website for writing called: "Hubpages". In a lot of ways this is a continuing saga...kind of like a "ManlyPoetryMan, Part 2: The Return of ManlyPoetryMan...or something like that. I am spreading out my wings and laying claim to a bigger territory. Always wanted to have a website of my own. Come Along with me and join in to this "Manly" Way of Rhyming Poems using nothing but just pure wit...Ha!
"Humor is where you find it!" MPM
Disclaimer: This stuff is for entertainment purposes, only. I am a humble Poet trying to get a laugh, or a smile, or a point across...Nothing More-Nothing Less. Let the writing do the talking.
"Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway."
John Wayne

Thank you for visiting my Site. Email me to learn more of the writings of Manly Poetry Man and to follow my "Poetry in Art Form" Adventures: