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"Humans are Strange People"

(Alan Alda as "Hawkeye Pierce", One of the Lead Surgeons in the M*A*S*H TV Series)

One day while I was young teen...and I had broke my hand... I encountered a doctor with some sharp wit...a very funny man. I do not recall all the lines he his assistant standing nearby... or two lines...made me laugh...even though...I was in enough pain to want to cry. I felt like I was being none other than "Hawkeye Pierce"... Cracking jokes left and right...while my hand was hurting...something fierce. He measured the plaster lining up to the wrong fit for a cast... When I said, " may want to wrap the other hand"...the whole room let out a laughter blast. He made a quick smirk...and asked something like..."Are you sure?" "Real Glad you spoke up about that now...before the Plaster started to cure." "Good thing...I didn't wrap the wrong hand...otherwise eight years of Med School...down the drain !" That Doctor was having the time of his life...and there I was still holding my hand in pain ! When the jokes...finally let up...and the laughter...had all died away... He stated in his assistant: "Humans are Strange People"...That's what I heard him say.

Turns out...measuring up to the other hand...keeps down the fiber splinters that would rub under the cast of that wrapped arm... Which over a period of time...adds to the itching see...he was being careful not to 'cause the slightest harm. All the while...I thought I was being treated by the Laurel and Hardy Comedy Team... This funny Doctor had it all under control...better than I could'a ever dreamed. A small lasting impression it made in my life...I still recall the doc's confident, sharp wit... Funny how we hear so many clever things from time...funny how...most we forget. But...I still remember the line he said "Humans are Strange People" comedic presentation style... Makes me glad that there are funny the midst of pain...that can make us smile. A competent doctor that can fix you up...Send you on your way...with a funny joke...and a happy grin... One with a clever take of what's going on...and with professional banter...can put on his unique spin. And as the years go by...I find I would rather laugh through the pain...more than can bet... You can cry in anquish...later...No One ever said "I wish I'd have cried more in life" regret. It is funny how it works that way...We Humans are Strange People...anyway... One thing about us that you can truly we are all just the end of the day !

I got to admit...there are times in my life I wanted to kick and what some folks have done... Looked around to find a place to bang my head into the wall...which don't make me...the smart one. People are strange...there ain't no doubt about it...You can reference yourself as a prime this case. When pointing your finger at some Strange Humans...make sure they ain't pointing...right back at your face. I already know that I am a Strange Human...In fact...that simple statement makes a world of sense to me... If this fact hasn't dawned on you by now...Let me tell you...being passed down by heredity. The stupidest and whackiest things People do... Could be done by a Human...just like YOU ! Are People Strange Humans...Do they do the darndest things... in everything they try to endeavor ? Well...Grin and Bear best you can...The Human Race is one type of People...that will never change...No not ever ! Guess What...This Planet is full of Humans...there is no longer a need to try to hide it or pretend... I am much as the next person...and I even have some Humans...I call "Friend". "Humans are Strange People"...We always have been...It is not a passing fad... By the way...this Poem...was written by a Strange Human... I feel the need to add.

Humans are so very strange...they are the craziests folks I know... People are so entertaining...I could watch them for hours...Put on a show. Humans are so very weird...this I have observed...'Cause I be one! Knuckleheads..."Humans are Strange People"...We do the strangest things...just for fun. Crazy People...who ever told you...You was normal...Please, Tell Me...Who? Human beings are the strangest folks I know ...this much I'm telling you! People are comprised up of Strange Humans...Does this concern you...Do you care? Human Beings are the only ones on the Planet...who walk around wearing... underwear ! People...All over...for as far as the Eye Can See... Humans...with the same basic components as...ME ! Unusual People...yet oddly...somewhat similar...with thumbs that oppose... Humans are all different...though...we all breathe O2 through our nose... All matter how they appear...all have those goofy little toes... Us Humans...All live on the same Planet...That's just how it goes !

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