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Standing at the Doorstep to Wit's End


Standing at the Doorstep to Wit's End... At the end of my rope...feeling nothing but chagrin. I have almost lost need to further pretend... It won't be long now...before they ship the looney bin. I listen to the radio...and it is nothing but bad news... I turn on the TV for entertainment relief...and get more of the blues. Crazy...Woo Hoo! This planet has become... Stick a fork in brain is well over-done ! Funny thing is...I said all the craziness wasn't going to get to me...hehe! looks like I done went and screwed-up...what was left of my sanity...(Whoopie)!

A Crazy and Kooky thing..."I must concur"...has finally transpired... The thinking behind all I do has thought out all it can...from what's been previously wired. Seriously...I am now thinking ...that thinking just making me tired! Where have all the "warm-fuzzy" thoughts which... I once desired?

Yep...It is no longer even possible for me to pretend... That I am not Standing at the Wit's End. Gone...are the reasons...I would even try to regain my composure... My nerves are fully frattered...and suffer from stressful over-exposure. And have made the thoughts in my brain become ceasingly expired... At the Doorstep to Wit's End...How can one thusly be inspired?

Ya' know...the strangest thing was...I was just starting to take a breather...for a mo-ment... Then everything went "Cu-ckoo" crazy...and the Circus Clowns in my head were after me..."Hell-Bent". It was inquisitively stirring...and also...somewhat peculiar...perhaps seemingly or awkwardly deranged... To find that my mental apptitude for what I was doing...had systematically been re-arranged. Yeah...I knew then...I was definitely Standing at the Doorstep to Wit's End... It now had...become inceasingly difficult to keep my compusure...or to hide it...or pretend! "Commence the Operation" drop my guard...and let the "whackiness" begin... "All Hands prepare to Abandon Ship"...We have arrived at the Doorstep to Wit's End !" The urgent message has been sent "S.O.S." has been sent out..."A.S.A.P." Every Man for Himself...Except Women and Children First...Yet, Who Will Rescue Me?" "Phasing-Out"...all unnecessary brain is on "auto"-shut down...and going into overload... I am frazzled, dazzled...and "burnt-out" all at once...My system's integral hard wiring...has begun to erode. Yet...I Stand here at this Doorstep...Hoping I will soon be on the mend... But, I fear I shall be Overtaken...Standing at this Doorstep...which is surely my Wit's End!

NOTE: Sometimes...just standing on the verge of Wit's enough to take you off the deep end!

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