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"Will I Ever Catch My Dreams?"


Updated: May 20, 2022

When a Man sets out to do Poetry he already has to figure it will be taken into some kind of odd consideration to begin with. Oh, Who Cares !

I keep running and running it seems... Always trying to catch my dreams. Each step ahead of the day before... Each morning...waking run some more. Everything that I think I can do... Is all just a little further up ahead...So What's New? Wondering If I'll ever take a bite of that carrot dangling ahead... Tired of reaching for that thing...Think I'll just go back to bed. Crazy Ideas...and dreams that I scheme... Just add to the list...So, Why should I dream? If I work to accomplish a goal...even just one... I'll find I never reached it...when I thought I was done. be in the moment where the dream is real... I tell you if that happened...I'd have to pinch myself for real...I feel. It's kind'a funny how I can dream all day for free... But...It takes time and money to make it a...reality. With one foot stuck in planning...and the other ready to press on... I take the next step towards reality...before the dream is long gone. Then...I stop for a moment to try to recall... If I really ever dreamed...that dream at all. Of wanting to and trying one step further ahead... I work and work at the dream...trying to achieve it before I'm dead. Which I believe someday it will become real...It will happen... At least one day ahead of the day...I start permanently nappin' !

Syria: Carrots on the End of a Very Long Stick ... | Source

Set out to run my best... Thought I'd passed every test... Ran over Hill and over dale... On the chance that if I stopped...I'd fail... Ran even faster when the dream was in reach... I can see myself running in my dreams...along a lonely beach. And as I run and run the many miles of the shoreline... I realize...I'll never run fast enough to catch my dreams in time. If I ever do catch up to one single dream...Boy...I'll tell ya' what... I'll stop chasing anymore of my dreams...and tell the rest to go kiss my b_tt. It is much easier to dream...than it is to make things real... Why work so hard achieve your dreams...I don't get it...What's the big deal? If one dream doesn't ever come to pass... There's plenty more where that came from...You can surely bet your _ss !

Full speed ahead! Atlas getting after it in Pacifica #... | Source

If I run to catch my dreams...Will I get there if I walk ? Actions speak louder than words...but that still is nothing but talk. I want to a dream come true... And stop experiencing set backs...each time...before I'm through. I want to seize the moment...where the dream is in my grasp... Not to discover...I have allowed the window of time for my lapse. I want to look all around and see me in my own dreams...that I have... That my dream has become real...I will now rest...I will now laugh. You see to dreams are nothing more than a floor plan... I give my all to my dreams...grabbing for each rung...hand over hand... I do the best I can to catch my dreams...I push forward the best I can... No Ocean is too big to cross...No Continent...covered by land... In my dreams...I catch my dreams...But in my dreams...I'm a different man... I know I'll catch my dreams someday...I have seen it in my dreams...While I ran.

© 2010 ManlyPoetryMan

Updated on October 19, 2021

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